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吳翌禎、黃瀞瑩、楊澤安、許鎧麟,應用於結構分析之精確模型擷取系統設計與實作,2020土木工程新技術之發展與應用國際研討會論文集,十月三十日,中原大學,桃園,台灣,2020。 Download
葉乙璇、黃瀞瑩、吳翌禎、莊正昀,"COBie資料存取與應用-以設備報修系統為例",第24屆營建工程與管理學術研討會論文集,八月五號,臺灣科技大學,台北,台灣,2020。 Download
Hsieh-Chih Hsu and I-Chen Wu, "Employing Simulated Annealing Algorithms to Automatically Resolve MEP Clashes in Building Information Modeling Models," Proceedings of the 36th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, May 21th - May 24th, Banff, Canada, 2019. Download
Shun-Ming Liang, I-Chen Wu, Zheng-Yun Zhuang, Chin-Wen Chen, "Analytic Hierarchy Process as a Tool to Explore the Success Factors of BIM Deployment in Construction Firms," Proceedings of the 36th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, May 21th - May 24th, Banff, Canada, 2019.Download
Chia-Hsien Chen and I-Chen Wu, "Using BIM and Sensing Mat for Improving IMU-based Indoor Positioning Accuracy," Proceedings of the 36th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, May 21th - May 24th, Banff, Canada, 2019.Download
Shen Chang, Ruei-Shiue Shiu and I-Chen Wu, "Applying an A-Star Search Algorithm for Generating the Minimized Material Scheme for the Rebar Quantity Takeoff," Proceedings of the 36th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, May 21th - May 24th, Banff, Canada, 2019 .Download
I-Chen Wu and Xiu-Shan Chen, "Integration of IoT and BIM Technology to Improve Information System for Fire Rescue and Escape", Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality, November 22-23rd, Auckland, New Zealand, 2018.Download
李怡姍、鍾增煌、吳翌禎、吳宇宙、江明珊,"鐵路地下化車站之BIM技術實務整合應用",第二十二屆 營建工程與管理學術研討會論文集,七月六日,台北科技大學,台北,台灣,2018。Download
張昇、吳翌禎,"BIM技術於實務結構工程鋼筋施工之應用探討",第二十二屆 營建工程與管理學術研討會論文集,七月六日,台北科技大學,台北,台灣,2018。Download
Ci-Jyun Wong and I-Chen Wu, "BIM Object Creation from Photogrammetry of Existing Buildings", Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Civil and Building Engineering Informatics, April 19-21th, Taipei, Taiwan, 2017. Download
Meng-Xue Yang, Shen Chang, Ruei-Shiue Shiu, I-Chen Wu and Chiu-Jen Ku, "Rebar Quantity Take-Off Estimation and Cost Analysis by BIM-based Methods", Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Civil and Building Engineering Informatics, April 19-21th, Taipei, Taiwan, 2017. Download
Xiu-Shan Chen, Chi-Chang Liu and I-Chen Wu, "A BIM-based Visualization System for Fire Disaster Simulation", Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Civil and Building Engineering Informatics, April 19-21th, Taipei, Taiwan, 2017. Download

Jing-Ying Huang and I-Chen Wu, "3D Road Way Alignment  Data Sharing And Exchange", Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Civil and Building Engineering Informatics,” April 19-21th, Taipei, Taiwan, 2017. Download

吳 翌禎

I-Chen(Kelly) Wu
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